Monday, 6 July 2015

The Backpacking Experience- An introduction

When I think of leisure travelers, I tend to categorize them into 3 groups. The tourists, the vacationers, and the travelersThe tourists are people which travel with a fixed agenda, they have a list of things they have to see and eat. They're constantly on a rush to see everything their destination has to offer. They get to experience the best parts the city has to offer but at the same time it gets really tiring.

Trying to give off some tourist vibes during my Vietnam trip
 The vacationers on the other hand are the people that just want to rest, they travel because they want a short getaway from their daily lives. Their ultimate goal; to escape from the reality back home, to rejuvenate and revitalize themselves. Their trip itinerary usually comprises of having good food and relaxing activities.

Relaxing and enjoying the view at Ubud, Bali
Lastly there's the travelers. From experiencing local food, interacting with locals to engaging in their cultural traditions they are the backpackers who want to explore and experience a country in the rawest form. They usually have no fixed itinerary, most activities are planned the day before.

Two backpackers making their way towards the ferry
I did my first backpacking trip 2 months with two friends around South East Asia. This was my travel route.
Singapore||Phnom Penh||Siem Reap||Bangkok||Krabi||KoSamui||KoTao||Penang||Singapore
In 3 weeks, I went to 7 different places in 3 countries by means of mostly land and Sea transportation. Although there were hiccups and detours along the way, I had no regrets for embarking on this journey. After all I believe that these are all part of the backpacking experience.
My backpacking buddies
Stay tuned for more details in the upcoming posts!

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